hi, i saw your ad on craigslist- i think these are adorable. have you thought about doing slings? totally support the rocker/skulls idea. us younger moms really need more baby wear that isnt so frumpy! waiting to see what you have to add...
Hi there! I'm Laura's friend, Amy Juhasz. If you are interested in being in a weekly spotlight on my blog let me know. Not tomorrow, but next Friday is open and I'd love to feature you guys. AND, I'm on two etsy teams, etsymoms and eastvalleyartisans, I can lead you in the right direction to join if you're interested! Good luck with your shop and congrats on your first sale. I love it!
cute cute! have you guys made any sales yet?
hi, i saw your ad on craigslist- i think these are adorable. have you thought about doing slings? totally support the rocker/skulls idea. us younger moms really need more baby wear that isnt so frumpy! waiting to see what you have to add...
Hi there! I'm Laura's friend, Amy Juhasz. If you are interested in being in a weekly spotlight on my blog let me know. Not tomorrow, but next Friday is open and I'd love to feature you guys. AND, I'm on two etsy teams, etsymoms and eastvalleyartisans, I can lead you in the right direction to join if you're interested! Good luck with your shop and congrats on your first sale. I love it!
AWESOME! Thanks for being willing to do the Friday spotlight.....Thanks for your support, and thank you for the feedback!!!
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